Zamek Booking Lock

Application of the code lock

Nowadays, modern technologies are more and more often present in our everyday life. One of such solutions are electronic locks, which have become an alternative to traditional locks. At present, you no longer need keys to open the door, but only a lock with security PIN. Electronic locks are widely used in the control systems of hotel facilities, offices, apartments for rent, or private premises. These types of closure devices are comfortable and safe, that is why they are suitable for small and large rooms.

Comprehensive property management

When considering hotels or other short-term rental properties, code locks help you to reduce or eliminate the costs of the reception service. In this way, you will reduce related expenses with the employment of the person to issue the keys which, as you know, can be expensive. The system, such as Booking Lock, allows to manage your premises remotely, regardless of their location. You assign keys in the form of codes which are sent to the guest by a text message. Guests can start their stay at any time, and you save time that you would have to spend to deliver the keys. Thanks to the virtual management, the owner can monitor the entries not only of guests, but also co-workers or subcontractors, such as a cleaning lady or a plumber.

Control and monitor access to rooms in your company

Locks with security PIN can be successfully used also in offices. They protect us not to enter the room by unauthorized people. Depending on your needs, you can easily specify who and when has access to a selected room or a conference room. The codes have a specified expiration date. After a set time, the person who was assigned the code will not be able to enter the room. Online codes can be made available to any number of people, so the problem of insufficient number of key sets disappears.

Manage your property remotely

You can also mount the electronic lock in a private house or a flat. When going to work or shopping, you don’t have to remember about the keys and wonder if you have closed the door. The lock automatically locks, but you must have a PIN code to enter the apartment . This is also a good solution for unannounced guests who are waiting outside the door. In such situation you will generate the code in our system and send it to them by SMS.

Code locks ensure safety in every case and eliminate the risk of forging keys by dishonest people. They work wherever you want to have control over access to the premises or the selected room.

Control system

Nowadays, traditional locks are replaced by electronic ones. Despite their wide application, this innovative solution is mostly used in apartments for short-term rental. They are more effective if there is no reception desk or a person responsible for guest service.

It sometimes happens that the guest who has made the reservation didn’t show up on time, and you had to wonder how to deliver the keys. Electronic locks, such as Booking Lock, allow to manage the rented places remotely from any place. They also help to control over the supported property. In this way you will be able to check the honesty of the person you entrust to take care of your premises.

Using our web application you assign keys in the form of codes that are issued for a specified period and changed for the next visitors. You can be sure that nobody will forge your key or use a known PIN to enter the premises at another time.

Booking Lock system allows you to monitor all entrances to the facility. You will have a control over people who visit the place. The codes are assigned individually so you know when a guest, an administration employee, or you enter the room. The flexibility of electronic locks causes that you can reprogram them easily and quickly – you will cancel or delete the previously generated door access code.

Booking Lock offers a safe solution because the lock has a blockade preventing access to the interior of an unauthorized person. The lock is blocked for a few minutes after entering the wrong code three times at the time set by the owner.

To sum up, the Booking Lock system will help you to take care of the guests as well as the rented premises.

Smart electronic locks vs traditional locks

Being the owner of rooms or apartments for rent, probably you have troubles delivering the keys. In particular, it’s cumbersome when your properties are located in different places and guests can arrive at any time.

In case you have a traditional lock, you leave the keys under the doormat or get up in the middle of the night to deliver them. You don’t have to meet guests personally with electronic locks. When you take a reservation, you will generate online a code in the Booking Lock application. The code will be sent by SMS or by e-mail. Then guests will start their stay at any time, and you will sleep well.

Booking Lock - the code lock ensures a good night's sleep

If you have an electronic lock in your apartment, you don’t have to worry about losing your key or forge it. In this way, you will save money that you would spend on changing the lock or getting another set of keys.

The code lock also allows you to forget about the problem associated with carrying a keychain and looking for the right one for a given place. Instead of a traditional handle, you can install a lock with the Booking Lock system, which will help you to open the door quickly, and you will no longer have to carry heavy keys that don’t fit into your pocket.

In addition, such a lock gives the possibility of managing your premises remotely and virtually. Thanks to the Booking Lock system, you will be able to monitor the entrances to the facility. You will check it anywhere and anytime you want.

The main benefit of using an electronic lock is to reduce traditional reception services that will save your budget. When using electronic locks, you don’t need to collect and deliver keys either personally or with the help of third parties. This will eliminate the cumbersome procedure of check-in and check-out of guests.

Below you will find a detailed comparison of both locks:

Traditional lock Booking Lock system
You must reach guests to deliver keys or hire someone to service You send a code via text message or e-mail
Necessity to hire a receptionist Lack of a reception
Guests must wait for the owner or receptionist Guest don’t wait for keys
You can lose keys or make new ones Codes can’t be forged
Lack of control over the staff;
the room can be rented without your knowledge
Recording of entrances
You must have several sets of door keys Management of many locks from one place
Sometimes you have to get up at night to deliver keys Guests can enter the room at any time

Resign from traditional keys and completely automate the access to your premises!

Forget about keys

The code door lock with the integrated application will help you to manage online your premises from any location.

Features of Booking Lock web application:

  • generation of permanent and one-time codes,
  • setting codes with an expiration date,
  • sending codes to e-mail, sms,
  • creating message templates in many languages,
  • programming open/close time range,
  • registration of entrances to the premises,
  • sending notifications about low battery status and irregularities in operation,
  • managing multiple locks from one place,
  • providing data to any number of administrators.

The use of code door locks

Booking Lock code door locks can be used in remote management of any places at a distance. It is a convenient tool for people who rent apartments or flats and rooms that require remote administration. The lock is mounted in the place of a traditional handle and it is battery-operated. It connects to the application directly via Wi-Fi, so you do not need to install additional devices or cables, which makes it look aesthetically.

Booking Lock offers a simple solution that combines the needs of both guests and property owners. For the first it is the possibility of accommodation and departure at any time, without direct contact with the person managing the premises. However, the owners will have access to a personalized control panel that will check all entrances to the facility. It is comfort and convenience for both sides.

The Booking Lock system eliminates the dangers resulting from the transfer of a traditional key and it saves time. A remotely managed lock also allows to reduce or completely eliminate the costs of the so-called reception service, i.e. you will not need to hire a person to issue and receive keys. The code for the lock is generated via the Booking Lock web application and then sent to the guest via SMS or his/her e-mail.

In the Booking Lock web application, you can generate codes and assign them to guests for limited time. It is also possible to generate permanent codes eg. for your family and friends as well as one-time codes for a cleaning service or an administration employee. The lock also has the option of programming opening and closing hours.

Each entrance is monitored, so you can avoid sharing the room without the knowledge of the facility owner. The codes are assigned individually, so it is known when and at what time a cleaning service or a person responsible for the technical defects entered the room.

Booking Lock allows you to give access to your premises in a convenient and safe way.